
GPs in State Schools Program
We know how important it is to support our students' physical and mental health, which is why our school is proud to be participating in the GPs in State Schools Program.
Dr Shylet and Dr Ali, have joined the program at Goodna Special School, which began in 2022. Students can see Dr Shylet or Dr Ali for any physical, mental, or sexual and reproductive health concerns.
Our school's GP clinic is open fortnightly on alternate Wednesdays and Fridays during term time between 9am and 1pm.
Students and carers are encouraged to talk to our school GP support team for more information or to make an appointment.
Please email gpinschools@goodnaspecs.eq.edu.au or call 07 3381 4222 or text 0473 057 286 to book an appointment for your student.
Can I come to the appointment with my child?
Yes, for all initial appointments, we require you to attend with your child. We recognise that parents and carers can be an important source of support and information for young people in managing their health and wellbeing.
If parents/carers are not able to attend subsequent appointments, please speak to our school GP support team to discuss eligibility for a telehealth/phone appointment. The doctor will still need to see your child to complete the appointment, but depending on the reason for the appointment, designated school staff may be able to support your child during the appointment while you speak to the doctor via phone/telehealth instead.
How much will it cost to see the GP?
Seeing the GP at school is free. All visits with the school GP are provided at no cost to students or their families. The GP bulk-bills all appointments through Medicare, so it is important that your child brings their Medicare card or number with them to their appointment.
What is a Medicare card and how do I get my own?
A Medicare card allows people to get medical services and medicines at low cost or for free.
Usually, young people are named on their parents'/carers' Medicare card. If you are 15 years or older, you can get your own Medicare card by completing a simple application with Medicare Australia. The GP can help you with this process.
What if I can't get a Medicare card (or number)?
No worries. If a student is not eligible for a Medicare card, they will still be able to access the school GP free of charge.
We'll be able to help you. Please let our school GP support team know when you make your appointment, or let Dr Shylet and Dr Ali know when you go to your appointment.
Where will students' medical records be kept?
The medical records will remain the property of the GP/clinic providing the GP service at the school, where they will be securely stored. GPs have responsibility for all medical records. Both Dr Shylet and Dr Ali work for the Institute of Urban Indigenous Health (IUIH), which also has a clinic just down the hill from Goodna Special School, on Queen Street.
Will the GP make referrals to other services?
Yes. It is anticipated that referrals will be an important part of this program. GPs will use their established processes around consent to make referrals for students.
If the student moves schools, what happens to their medical records?
The student's medical records will remain in the possession of the GP/clinic providing the GP service, where they will be securely stored.
If a student moves schools, they (if they are a mature minor) or their parents/carers (if they are not a mature minor) may request their information is transferred to another GP, as would happen in the broader community. This is important and encouraged, so that continuity of care is promoted across all the healthcare providers a young person sees.
Health checks
All of our students are eligible each year for a full and comprehensive health check. A health check is a proactive medical examination designed to assess an individual's overall health and detect potential health issues before they become serious.
The primary goal is to identify risk factors, early signs of disease, or existing conditions that may not yet present symptoms. These checks often include a variety of tests, screenings, and evaluations based on factors such as age, gender, family history, and lifestyle.
Regular health checks are an essential part of maintaining long-term well-being and improving quality of life by catching health issues early and managing them effectively.
Book a GP appointment today
Students and carers are encouraged to talk to our school GP support team for more information or to make an appointment.
Please email gpinschools@goodnaspecs.eq.edu.au or call 07 3381 4222 or text 0473 057 286 to book an appointment for your student.
GSS GP in Schools Brochure.pdf
IUIH Clinic GPs in Schools Consent Form.docx
Meet our GP - Dr. Shylet!
Additional Student Services Contacts:
Student wellbeing enquiries: studentservices@goodnaspecs.eq.edu.au
NDIS therapy at school room booking enquiries: ndis@goodnaspecs.eq.edu.au
Please note we are experiencing many requests for NDIS Therapy room bookings and are now operating a waitlist.