All Goodna Special School students in Prep through to Year 10 work on an Individual Curriculum Plan (ICP). They will be taught and assessed on the same subjects and learning areas as their peers, but will be learning at the adjusted year level most appropriate to their individual needs. Parents, carers and staff collaborate to write student's ICPs, which are evaluated and reviewed every six months.
All students will access the following Learning Areas of the Australian Curriculum in ways that are based on each student's needs, and age-appropriate:
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS, History and Geography)
- The Arts (Dance, Music and Visual Arts)
- Technologies (Digital and Design - Bush School and Home Economics)
- Health and Physical Education (Physical Education and Personal Development)
- Languages (Auslan)
Goodna Special School also provides a number of other programs to support learning and wellbeing, including:
- Promoting Literacy Development (PLD) - an Australian, evidence-based approach to teaching reading, writing and spelling
- Zones of Regulation - a framework to teach and build awareness of feelings, emotions and social skills, and exploring tools to manage feelings and behaviour
- Bush School - connected to the Design and Technologies curriculum, a play-based specialist subject for students to explore unstructured outdoor spaces, build resilience, connection and environmental stewardship through wild adventure and nature immersion
- Personal Development - connected to the Health and Physical Education curriculum, a specialist subject based on learning about personal, social and community health, including sexual education in the Secondary years